Thursday, October 31, 2019

Chemistry of common preservatives Research Paper

Chemistry of common preservatives - Research Paper Example A great amount of interchangeability does not exist because of specific inhibitory actions towards bacteria, or molds or yeasts. Although microbes may not be avoided in non-sterile preparations, attempts are made to ensure that potentially pathogenic microbes are absent. The presence and subsequent growth of microbes may lead to many chemical changes and loss of quality of food preparations, pharmaceutical products and cosmetics. The potential for this loss of quality may occur at any of the many stages between acquisition of the raw material and eventual consumption of the finished product. The history of chemical and physical preservation is closely associated with the history and development of antimicrobial agents. Since the ancient times a scientific basis of antisepsis, disinfection and preservation has evolved over the last 150-160 years. Modern research brings to light that the use of preservatives has not been an alien concept to mankind in history. For centuries, preservatives, in the natural form, have been used in the pickling process, development of dyes and colors, prevention of microbial action on wounds, perishable goods such as vegetables, dairy etc. The Native Americans even relied on the use of adding bacteria the drying process1 .The most amazing and innovative use of preserving agents was exhibited by the Egyptians in the mummification process of the dead bodies of the rulers. The use of oils and resins to quicken or slow down the decaying process were used to best effect by the Egyptian Civilization. Nowadays, food preservation has dramatically reduced, Combination of preservatives may reduce overall concentration of a preservative and natural preservative system could replace the classical ones to minimize the adverse effects. It is the simplest acid of aromatic series. It is permitted as a preservative in food-stuffs, drugs and cosmetics as sodium or potassium salt of benzoic acid. It is

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Pros and Cons of the Implementation of Accounting Standards Essay

Pros and Cons of the Implementation of Accounting Standards - Essay Example The question also arises as to whether or not the accounting standards are effectual in improving the quality of accounting information or these happen to be a waste of time and money.The other matter concerns with the need for standardization of accounting standards in Europe, or in other words, is standardization the best possible solution to implement accounting standards in Europe. Hence, this essay encompasses the discussion on advantages and disadvantages of accounting standards combined with a discourse on the effectiveness of standardization in Europe.Accounting standards are basically the set of policies and procedures that are commenced by a specific body responsible for standard setting. Apparently, as the name suggests, these standards are set out to direct the recognition, preparation, and demonstration of accounting and financial information in a company's financial statements. Fogarty et al. (1994) describe accounting standards as the guidelines the purpose of which is to delineate a procedure to present transactions and outcomes in the company's financial statements. ... Therefore, the investors as well as the management, both remain aware of the standards to be followed for the preparation and presentation of financial statements. Formulation and implementation of accounting standards connote that there is uniformity of the procedure through which the companies account for various transactions, prepare the reports and present it to the shareholders. If the accounting standards are fair and unprivileged, it further suggests a binding investor trust in the company that all the information presented to him is true and fair devised and displayed under the prescribed standards. This, on one hand, leads to enhancement of investor confidence and on the other, maximises regulation on the companies to present a genuine picture of its position and performance. In short, the accounting standards are meant to enhance both, the investor trust and transparency. Moreover, when all the companies prepare their financial statements in full compliance with the accounting standards, it leads to the comparability between the financial statements of various companies for the purpose of improved decision making. It was this need for transparency, investor protection and comparability that led to the development of International Accounting Standards (IAS) to promote all these factors on an international level as a consequence of globalization. These accounting standards are also meant to serve all these functions but among international companies.  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Financial Analysis of Vodafone

Financial Analysis of Vodafone Vodafone group PLC is a British multinational mobile network operatorheadquarter in Newbury, England. It has formed in 1984 as a subsidiary of recal electronics PLC. It became an independent company in 1991 and changed its name to Vodafone group PLC on 2000.Vodafone is a world leading mobile telecommunications company. Vodafone provides a wide range of Communication services, including voice calls, SMS text messaging, MMS picture and video messaging, internet. Access and other data services Vodafone is the world largest telecommunication network company with 146 subsidiaries Vodafone directly own and manage about 2,200 stores around the world and they also have around 10,300 Vodafone-branded stores run through franchise and exclusive dealer arrangement, An industry with 5.6 billion customers with growth driven by increasing global demand for data services and rising mobile penetration in emerging markets. TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONS An Organization is a group of people that working together towards a common goal. There are 2 types of Organizations. Private Sector Public Sector Private Sector It is the part of national economy that is not directly controlled by the government. It provides more job opportunities for the people. So they will give a good support to the government. Private Sector includes sole traders, partnerships, joint ventures, limited companies, Co-operatives, clubs and societies. Sole Trader ship It has no complexities, with minimum interference of statutes, which is run by a single individual with his own capital, the decisions too being taken by himself. The most common business unit of the world is these. The main reason for this is that, ability of this business to be carried on without the necessity for adherence to rules. Partnerships It is a legal relationship between two or more individuals who are working together to achieve a specific goal. They should have an intention to earn profits, Collective responsibilities and a common destiny or goal. Joint ventures It is a short term association of a few persons in order to accomplish a specific task. Generally they do not use a business name. The joint venture is dissolved when the specific task is accomplished. This is a short term business type. Incorporate Companies In Sri Lanka institution registered under the companies ACT NO.7 OF 2007 is considered as an incorporated company. It includes Limited Companies, Companies limited by guarantees, unlimited companies, Offshore Companies, Foreign Companies. Public Sector It is the part of an economy that is directly controlled by the government. Public Sector is the largest sector of any economy in the country. It provides basic goods or services that cannot be provided by the private sector. It includes Gov. Departments, Gov. Corporations, and Gov. Companies. It is also known as State Sector or the Government Sector. Responsibilities of stakeholders Stakeholders are individuals, groups or organizations that have an interest in the activities and behavior of a business. They can be internal stakeholders, like employees and partners, or external, such as customers, suppliers, government or the media for example. All stakeholders can influence as well as be influenced by Vodafone. Every Stakeholder has responsibilities towards the Vodafone to achieve vodafones goals and objectives. Owners and share holders As the owner of a business, it is the responsibility to pay for employees and provide them with proper benefits, including sick time and health insurance. Aside from payment and benefits, responsibilities of an entrepreneur include listening to employee concerns keeping employees in good working conditions, and hiring and firing employees when needed. Managers The manager must be able to ensure that all requirements of his department are met on time and motivate employees to perform at their highest capabilities. He must also know exactly what each of his staff is capable of and give them work that they can complete effectively while also challenging them to achieve more. Staff and employees They have to perform their tasks carefully, keep business and professional secrets confidential. They have to follow the supervisors instructions and improve their abilities and skills. They have to be honest and polite to the company. Customers After using goods or services they have a responsibility to give feedback to the company. Customers have to provide clear and correct information about their needs and wants. And they have to give the correct information required. They have to be loyal and honest to the company. Suppliers They have to supply the good quality products to the company at right place at right time. They have to be honest to the company. Have an effective communication process with the company. Government They provide rules, regulations, lows, and policies for business. They have to find weather the business is legal or not and they can provide licenses for the sensitive products. Identify Vodafone profile Mission statement; To enrich customers lives through the unique power of mobile communication Vision statement; To be the worlds mobile communication leader Goals Goals are the clearly stated objectives of the company, Vodafone has stated six global strategic goals Delight our customers Built the best global Vodafone team Leverageglobal scale and scope Expand market boundaries Be a responsible business Provide superior shareholder returns Values Values are the beliefs of an individual or a group. Vodafone has four core values described internally as passions For customers For results For Vodafone people For the world around Vodafone Vodafone growth Vodafones Key revenue performance indicators Vodafone group PLC has shown their growth of revenue in this table. We also aim to lead the tablet segment, which is growing rapidly. We were the first operator to launch an Android Honeycomb tablet with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1v and we have started to distribute the Apple iPod 2. During the year we introduced the Vodafone K4605 USB stick which provides theoretical peak data download speeds of 42.2 Mbps using 3G/HSDPA technology and a 4G/LTE USB stick which has the potential for faster download speeds. We also launched Vodafone WebBox and Vodafone TV services (Annual report-2011 page23). Vodafone market share We can clearly identify the market share of the Vodafone group has increased rapidly year by year. The good will of the vodafone has increased by providing perfect service for thie customers and could have create loyal customers. Different types of economic systems Capitalism (market economy) Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and the firms mainly target profits, in competitive markets. it is known as market economy because it is seek to maximize satisfaction or profit through own decision regarding consumption or production. Characteristics all resources are owned by individuals The decisions about the allocation of those resources are made by individuals without government intervention No significant economic role for government is necessary. The concept of supply and demand plays a role in determining the pricing structure A market economy encourages competition. The U.S. is most commonly example for market economy which had many provisions that facilitated and protected the market economys characteristics.. Advantages: The market gives producers an incentive to produce goods that consumers want. The market provides an incentive to acquire useful skills. The price system encourages producers and consumers to conserve scarce resources. Disadvantages (1) A private market economy may be quite unstable (unemployment, inflation, growth) (2) Business may simply satisfy the wants they have created through advertising. (3) Prices may affect to the consumers (4) Markets just do not work in some areas such as public goods, and national defense Socialism (command economy) Characteristics The government creates a central economic plan for all sectors and regions of the country. The government allocates all resources according to the central plan. The goal is to use the nations capital, labor and natural resources in the most effective way possible The central plan sets the priorities for production of all goods and services. The goal is to supply enough food, housing and other basics to meet the needs of everyone in the country. Cuba, North Korea, China, Russia and Iran are the most commonly examples of command economies. Russias Go plan has been the most studied. It was also the longest running, lasting from the 1930s until the late 1980s. Advantages The govt. Will ensure a more equal distribution of income and wealth Essential goods/services will be provided to the community The govt. Can determine which goods are produced. 1. There is little consumer choice. 2. Little variety of goods and services 3. Loss of individual freedom 4. Leads to allocate and productive inefficiency 5. Subsidies on essential goods and services quickly lead to shortages. Mixed economy A mixed economy is an economic system that incorporates aspects of more than one economic system. This kind of economic system has both privately-owned and state-owned enterprises or that combines elements of capitalism and socialism, economic systems. Characteristics private sector business activity encouraged. taxes used to collect revenue to pay for state goods and services. The government also provides services such as education, health, military defense, legal and infrastructure to society. The government plays an important role in resolving economic problems faced by society advantages less inequality of income because intent of government is to have a balanced economic growth of an economy. allows individuals to run their business and make profits Goods and services are produced to benefit the society rather then to benefit the economy. Fiscal policy Fiscal policy is the use of taxes and government spending to control the economic activity of a country.the government uses this policy to continue, Economic growth Price stability Full employment Expansionary fiscal policy Before the government spending increase and before the tax rate reduction or both GDP is low because the price level of the economy is low. After increase G and reduction T, GDP is high because increase of the AD. Shifting the graph to the right. (AD to AD1 )This is accomplished by increasing aggregate expenditures and aggregate demand through an increase in government spending or a decrease in taxes. Expansionary fiscal policy leads to a larger government budget deficit or a smaller budget surplus. Crowding out effect C:Documents and SettingslankaDesktopquestion_24.gif Contractionary fiscal policy Before the tax increase and government spending decrease or both GDP is high because price level is high. After increase tax and decreased government expenditure increased AD is low, GDP is low and price level is low. Contractionary Fiscal Policy creates budget surplus shifting the graph to the left( AD) . monetary Policy Monetary Policy consists of change in money supply to influence interest rates and thus the total level of spending in the economy. Monetary policy tools are, Open market operations This is the most important instrument to control the money supply and demand of the economy.FED buying bonds from banks and public to expand monetary policy by increasing bank reserves. FED selling the bonds to the bank and public to tight the monetary policy by reducing the bank reserves. Reserve ratio It is Designed to change the amount of required reserves. FED raises the ratios to cantrction the monetary policy. It means bank loose the reserves and reduce the ability of the creating money. FED lowers reserve ratios to expan the monetary policy, banks gain tha reserves and ability to create money. Discount rate Interest rate charge by FED on the loans they granted to commercial banks. Easy money policy (Contractionary monetary policy) It is the monetary policy that seeks to increase the size of the money supply by buying securities, lower the reserve rate and lower the discount rate. These all directly impact the interest rate.FED increase bank reserves by purchasing securities and at the lower rate bank can keep more money in the volute and create money. C:Documents and SettingslankaLocal SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.Wordfig115.gif It is the monetary policy that FED seeks to reduce money supply in the market by selling securities, increasing the reserve rate, and rising the discount rate. It is causes to reduce bank reserves and volute money at banks. It is decrease money supply in the economy. In the curve shifted to the left (Ms1 to Ms2) Fiscal policy impact to the Vodafone UK Because of the UK statutory tax rate reduced to 26%, effective from 1 April 2011 and the impact on the year end tax balances. EBITDA increased by 8.0% with the EBITDA margin increasing by 0.7 percentage points, reflecting higher service revenue. A shareholder in the Company who is an individual resident for UK tax purposes in the United Kingdom is entitled, in calculating their liability to UK income tax, to a tax credit on cash dividends we pay on our shares and the tax credit is equal to one-ninth of the cash dividend. The tax free allowance all income earners are allowed to earn an amount of income before they start to pay tax., the personal tax free allowance in the UK for 2011-2012 was  £7,475. Monetary policy impact to the Vodafone UK According to the Vodafone annual report, 45.9bn revenue performs in 2011 and it is 3.2% growth in compared with 2010. It is because the UK government expands the monetary policy by buying Bonds from people and it caused to money supply increased. People has more money to spend on Vodafone services and products there for the demand of the mobile customers are increased by 14.5% to 370.9 m. International trade The economic interaction among different nations involving the exchange of goods and services, that is, exports and imports. The guiding principle of international trade is comparative advantage, which indicates that every country, no matter their level of development, can find something that it can produce cheaper than another country. As a multi national company, Vodafone Global Enterprise manages the communication needs of over 560 of our largest multinational corporate customers. It provides a range of managed services which bring together every aspect of a customers telecommunications infrastructure, both fixed and mobile,(Annual report Vodafone group-2011) Advantages by international trade for Vodafone Quality of the product has been increased because of high competition with foreign businesses Having an open economy Growth of high technologically methods using by Vodafone group Increased company reputation world wide Market share has been increased Disadvantages smart phones and the tablet market begins to take off. markets remain competitive and the economic environment, particularly across southern Europe, is challenging. Foreign Industry regulators continue to impose lower mobile termination rates and lower roaming prices. The combination of competition and regulatory pressures. Increase prices of the Vodafone products because of tariffs. Emerging markets Definition The term emerging markets is commonly used to describe an economy with a GDP per capita substantially below the advanced world average and typically with a growth potential above the global average. According to the World Banks definition an emerging markets country has a Gross National Income (GNI) per capita less than approximately USD 9,000.(growing markets) The most exciting emerging markets are, BRICs( Brazil, Russia, India, China), Mexico, South Africa, Clombia, Hungary, Indonesia, Turkey, Poland, Malaysia,Chile,peru, Thailand. Barriers to entering emerging markets for UK businesses Differences in language and culture are important barriers to entering fast-growing markets like the BRICs. Global trade has always been vital to the UK UK firms looking to export for the first time continue to face too many barriers that put them at a competitive disadvantage to their overseas competitors. capital is drives many businesses to take on the risks of doing business in emerging markets. Considering about the success of Vodafones in emerging markets, The number of customers using mobile services in emerging markets such as India and Africa has grown rapidly over the last ten years, increasing by over 17 times, compared to nearly 130% in more mature markets such as Europe. increased revenue market share in India and Turkey. Approximately 75% of mobile customers are in emerging markets such as India and China. EU crisis This week BCC met with a delegation from APEX, the Brazilian trade and investment promotion agency. It is clear that there are vast opportunities in the country, as indeed there are in the other emerging markets, which UK firms are yet to take full advantage of. BCCs latest research confirms that the EU remains the most popular destination for UK exports. Just under half of Chamber exporters see the large and faster-growing BRIC economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China as the best prospective markets for increasing business over the next twelve months. Unfortunately, exporters to the fast-growing BRIC markets are the most likely to encounter barriers that hold back sales.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Vikings stadium up in the air :: essays research papers

The man who is emerging as the lead owner of the Minnesota Vikings isn't thrilled with Anoka County's $1.6 billion stadium development concept in Blaine, and he has tossed the plan into flux, city and county officials said this week. Zygmunt Wilf, a New Jersey real estate developer who is scheduled to visit Blaine today, has told officials that if he and his partners buy the Vikings, a domed stadium is not a priority. He also said that elements of the retail-commercial-housing development in the Blaine proposal don't appeal to him, and that he is examining land in nearby Lino Lakes as an alternative stadium site. "He's got something in mind that he wants," said Blaine Mayor Tom Ryan. "But he's the only one who knows. We have to be sure his plan, whatever it is, works for the city." Wilf has not returned repeated phone calls from the Star Tribune since February, when it was announced that he was a partner with Arizona businessman Reggie Fowler in an effort to buy the Vikings. His scheduled visit today, his second to Blaine in three weeks, has officials curious about his intentions and vision. "We're dying to find out," said Blaine Planning Director Bryan Schafer. Of the Blaine plan, Anoka County Board Chairwoman Margaret Langfeld said: "It's just up in the air right now." Two years ago, after evaluating three potential locales in Anoka County, county officials landed on the Blaine site, which has more than 400 acres ready for development. It stands just west of Interstate Hwy. 35W, bordered by 109th Avenue NE. to the north and Lexington Avenue to the east. Soon after, the county proposed a fixed-roofed stadium, with a 300,000-square-foot medical clinic, a 250-room hotel, 1.3 million feet of corporate office space, 200 townhouses and 650,000 square feet of retail and entertainment facilities. The total cost was estimated at $1.6 billion. The county and city presented the plan to Gov. Tim Pawlenty's Stadium Screening Committee last year and, with the concept, the Anoka County Board approved a three-quarter-cent sales tax increase to help pay for it. But in a meeting with city and county officials on April 14, Wilf was apparently indifferent to a roof, questioned the need for the clinic and told political leaders that he would examine the Lino Lakes land, 8 miles to the east of the Blaine site, near Interstate Hwy. 35E. "This isn't an exact quote," said Anoka County Commissioner Dan Erhart, "but he said something like, 'I'm a builder.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Chemistry †Factors Affecting Electrochemical Cells Essay

How do the changeable electrodes of different reactivity affect the energy in Volts measured by a Voltmeter while the Solution and the Salt Bridge stay constant for every single trial by the same amount in each beaker? Background Theory: The conductance of an electrolyte depends upon the number of ions present in the solution. Therefore, the greater the number of ions in the solution the greater is the conductance. The number of ions produced by an electrolyte depends upon its nature. The strong electrolytes dissociate almost completely into ions in solutions and, therefore, their solutions have high conductance. On the other hand, weak electrolytes dissociate to only small extents and give lesser number of ions. Therefore, the solutions of weak electrolytes have low conductance. Electrolyte is any substance containing free ions that makes the substance electrically conductive. Ionic Solutions are the most common, but molten electrolytes and solid electrolytes are also possible. Hypothesis: As the Electrodes in the constant Sodiumsulfate solution varies after each trial, the electrolyte with the highest difference of reactivity should result the highest Voltage. The understanding behind this theory is the following. The used electrodes are in a specific order of reactivity. Therefore the element on top of the list (potassium) should react most and the element on bottom (copper) least. If both are used together in an electrochemical cell, this should more reactive than other elements (electrodes, such as zinc, calcium, aluminium and†¦). With a higher reactivity rate, the voltage also increases because of the number of ions released which related to a greater conductance. Apparatus †¢2 Beakers (50ml) †¢Salt bridge (0.1 concentration) (KNO3) †¢Solution ïÆ'   (MgSO4) †¢Voltmeter

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner Chapters 6

The room was fil ed with a sudden blaze, and I felt the warmth on my leg in the same instant that I realized there wasn't enough room for me to pin Diego to the wal without some part of myself touching the sunlight. â€Å"Bree!† he gasped. I twisted away from him automatical y, rol ing myself tight against the wal . It took less than a second, and the whole time I was waiting for the pain to get me. For the flames to hit and then spread like the night I'd met her, only faster. The dazzling flash of light was gone. It was just the pil ar of sun again. I looked at Diego's face – his eyes were wide, his mouth hanging open. He was total y stil, a sure sign of alarm. I wanted to look down at my leg, but I was afraid to see what was left. This wasn't like Jen ripping my arm off, though that had hurt more. I wasn't going to be able to fix this. Stil no pain yet. â€Å"Bree, did you see that?† I shook my head once quickly. â€Å"How bad is it?† â€Å"Bad?† â€Å"My leg,† I said through my teeth. â€Å"Just tel me what's left.† â€Å"Your leg looks fine to me.† I glanced down quickly, and sure enough, there was my foot and my calf, just like before. I wiggled my toes. Fine. â€Å"Does it hurt?† he asked. I pul ed myself off the ground, onto my knees. â€Å"Not yet.† â€Å"Did you see what happened? The light?† I shook my head. â€Å"Watch this,† he said, kneeling in front of the beam of sunshine again. â€Å"And don't shove me out of the way this time. You already proved I'm right.† He put his hand out. It was almost as hard to watch this time, even if my leg felt normal. The second his fingers entered the beam, the cave was fil ed with a mil ion bril iant rainbow reflections. It was bright as noon in a glass room – light everywhere. I flinched and then shuddered. There was sunlight all over me. â€Å"Unreal,† Diego whispered. He put the rest of his hand into the beam, and the cave somehow got even brighter. He rol ed his hand over to look at the back, then turned it palm up again. The reflections danced like he was spinning a prism. There was no smel of burning, and he clearly wasn't in pain. I looked closely at his hand, and it seemed like there were a zil ion tiny mirrors in the surface, too smal to distinguish separately, al shining back the light with double the intensity of a regular mirror. â€Å"Come here, Bree – you have to try this.† I couldn't think of a reason to refuse, and I was curious, but I was also stil reluctant as I slid to his side. â€Å"No burn?† â€Å"None. Light doesn't burn us, it just†¦ reflects off of us. I guess that's kind of an understatement.† Slow as a human, I reluctantly stretched my fingers into the light. Immediately, reflections blazed away from my skin, making the room so bright that the day outside would look dark in comparison. They weren't exactly reflections, though, because the light was bent and colored, more like crystal. I stuck my whole hand in, and the room got brighter. â€Å"Do you think Riley knows?† I whispered. â€Å"Maybe. Maybe not.† â€Å"Why wouldn't he tel us if he did? What would be the point? So we're walking disco bal s.† I shrugged. Diego laughed. â€Å"I can see where the stories come from. Imagine if you saw this when you were human. Wouldn't you think that the guy over there just burst into flames?† â€Å"If he didn't hang around to chat. Maybe.† â€Å"This is incredible,† Diego said. With one finger he traced a line across my glowing palm. Then he jumped to his feet right under the sunbeam, and the room went crazy with light. â€Å"C'mon, let's get out of here.† He reached up and pul ed himself toward the hole he'd cut to the surface. You'd think I would have been over it, but I was stil nervous to fol ow. Not wanting to seem like a total chicken, I stayed close on his heels, but I was cringing inside the whole way. Riley had real y made his point about burning in the sun; in my mind it was linked to that horrific time of burning as I became a vampire, and I couldn't escape the instinctive panic that fil ed me every time I thought of it. Then Diego was out of the hole, and I was next to him half a second later. We stood on a smal patch of wild grass, only a few feet from the trees that covered the island. Behind us, it was just a couple of yards to a low bluff, and then the water. Everything around us blazed in the color and light shining off of us. â€Å"Wow,† I muttered. Diego grinned at me, his face beautiful with light, and suddenly, with a deep lurch in my stomach, I realized that the whole BFF thing was way off the mark. For me, anyway. It was just that fast. His grin softened a little bit into just the hint of a smile. His eyes were wide like mine. Al awe and lights. He touched my face, the way he'd touched my hand, as if he was trying to understand the shine. â€Å"So pretty,† he said. He left his hand against my cheek. I'm not sure how long we stood there, smiling like total idiots, blazing away like glass torches. The inlet was empty of boats, which was probably good. No way even a mud-eyed human would have missed us. Not that they could have done anything to us, but I wasn't thirsty, and al the screaming would have ruined the mood. Eventual y a thick cloud drifted in front of the sun. Suddenly we were just us again, though stil slightly luminous. Not enough that anyone with eyes dul er than a vampire's would notice. As soon as the shine was gone, my thoughts cleared up and I could think about what was coming next. But even though Diego looked like his normal self again – not made of blazing light, anyway – I knew he would never look the same to me. That tingly sensation in the pit of my stomach was stil there. I had the feeling it might be there permanently. â€Å"Do we tel Riley? Do we think he doesn't know?† I asked. Diego sighed and dropped his hand. â€Å"I don't know. Let's think about this while we track them.† â€Å"We're going to have to be careful, tracking them in the day. We're kind of noticeable in the sunlight, you know.† He grinned. â€Å"Let's be ninjas.† I nodded. â€Å"Super-secret ninja club sounds way cooler than the whole BFF thing.† â€Å"Definitely better.† It didn't take us more than a few seconds to find the point from which the whole gang had left the island. That was the easy part. Finding where they'd touched ground on the mainland was a whole other problem. We briefly discussed splitting up, then vetoed that idea unanimously. Our logic was real y sound – after al, if one of us found something, how would we tel the other? – but mostly I just didn't want to leave him, and I could see he felt the same. Both of us had been without any kind of good companionship our whole lives, and it was just too sweet to waste a minute of it. There were so many options as to where they could have gone. To the mainland of the peninsula, or to another island, or back to the outskirts of Seattle, or north to Canada. Whenever we pul ed down or burned down one of our houses, Riley was always prepared – he always seemed to know exactly where to go next. He must have planned ahead for that stuff, but he didn't let any of us in on the plan. They could have been anywhere. Ducking in and out of the water to avoid boats and people real y slowed us down. We spent al day with no luck, but neither of us minded. We were having the most fun we'd ever had. It was such a strange day. Instead of sitting miserably in the darkness trying to tune out the mayhem and swal ow my disgust at my hiding place, I was playing ninja with my new best friend, or maybe something more. We laughed a lot while we moved through the patches of shade, throwing rocks at each other like they were Chinese stars. Then the sun set, and suddenly I was stressed. Would Riley look for us? Would he assume we were fried? Did he know better? We started moving faster. A lot faster. We'd already circled al the nearby islands, so now we concentrated on the mainland. About an hour after sundown, I caught a familiar scent, and within seconds we were on their trail. Once we found the path of the smel, it was as easy as fol owing a herd of elephants through fresh snow. We talked about what to do, more serious now as we ran. â€Å"I don't think we should tel Riley,† I said. â€Å"Let's say we spent al day in your cave before we went looking for them.† As I spoke, my paranoia started to grow. â€Å"Better yet, let's tel them your cave was fil ed with water. We couldn't even talk.† â€Å"You think Riley's a bad dude, don't you?† he asked quietly after a minute. As he spoke, he took my hand. â€Å"I don't know. But I'd rather act like he was, just in case.† I hesitated, then said, â€Å"You don't want to think he's bad.† â€Å"No,† Diego admitted. â€Å"He's kind of my friend. I mean, not like you're my friend.† He squeezed my fingers. â€Å"But more than anyone else. I don't want to think†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Diego didn't finish his sentence. I squeezed his fingers back. â€Å"Maybe he's total y decent. Our being careful doesn't change who he is.† â€Å"True. Okay, the underwater cave story it is. At least at first†¦ I could talk to him about the sun later. I'd rather do it during the day, anyway, when I can prove what I'm claiming right away. And just in case he already knows, but there's some good reason why he told us something else, I should tel him when we're alone. Grab him at dawn, when he's coming back from wherever it is he goes†¦.† I noticed a ton of I's rather than we's going on in Diego's little speech, and it bothered me. But at the same time, I didn't want much to do with educating Riley. I didn't have the same faith in him Diego did. â€Å"Ninja attack at dawn!† I said to make him laugh. It worked. We started joking again as we tracked our herd of vampires, but I could tel he was thinking serious stuff under the teasing, just like I was. And I only got more anxious as we ran. Because we were running fast, and there was no way we had the wrong trail, but it was taking too long. We were real y getting away from the coast, up and over the closest mountains, off into new territory. This wasn't the normal pattern. Every house we'd borrowed, whether it was up a mountain or on an island or hidden on a big farm, had a few things in common. The dead owners, the remote locale, and one other thing. They al were sort of focused on Seattle. Oriented around the big city like orbiting moons. Seattle was always the hub, always the target. We were out of orbit now, and it felt wrong. Maybe it meant nothing, maybe it was just that so many things were changing today. Al the truths I'd accepted had been turned upside down and I wasn't in the mood for any other upheavals. Why couldn't Riley have just picked someplace normal? â€Å"Funny they're this far out,† Diego murmured, and I could hear the edge in his voice. â€Å"Or scary,† I muttered. He squeezed my hand. â€Å"It's cool. The ninja club can handle anything.† â€Å"You got a secret handshake yet?† â€Å"Working on it,† he promised. Something started to bug me. It was like I could feel this strange blind spot – I knew there was something I wasn't seeing, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Something obvious†¦ And then, about sixty miles farther west than our usual perimeter, we found the house. It was impossible to mistake the noise. The boom boom boom of the bass, the video-game soundtrack, the snarling. Total y our crowd. I pul ed my hand free, and Diego looked at me. â€Å"Hey, I don't even know you,† I said in a joking tone. â€Å"I haven't had one conversation with you, what with al that water we sat in al day. You could be a ninja or a vampire for al I know.† He grinned. â€Å"Same goes for you, stranger.† Then low and fast, â€Å"Just do the same things you did yesterday. Tomorrow night we'l get out together. Maybe do some reconnaissance, figure out more of what's going on.† â€Å"Sounds like a plan. Mum's the word.† He ducked close and kissed me – just a peck, but right on the lips. The shock of it zinged through my whole body. Then he said, â€Å"Let's do this,† and headed down the side of the mountain toward the source of the raucous noise without looking back. Already playing the part. A little stunned, I fol owed from a few yards behind, remembering to put the distance between us that I would put between myself and anyone else.